about Fenit WithouT
Fenit Without is a community content project based around the picturesque fishing village of Fenit, Co.Kerry, located on the South West Atlantic coast of Ireland. We produce small volumes of sustainable souvenir merchandise available for sale in our online store and through local retail outlets. We also support local businesses and community groups in their content and merchandise requirements.
our core values
A love and respect for our marine environment and our local coastal community.
Supporting our community and their challenges, projects or events through content and collaboration.
Always mindful of how Fenit Without can have a positive impact for our community.
What's with the name Fenit 'Without'?
The historical terms Fenit Within/Fenit Without refer to the walled protection that surrounded parts of Fenit Island - a small populated island on the coast of County Kerry, connected to the Fenit mainland by a narrow sandbar or tombolo. The area inside this protected island was referred to as Fenit 'Within' and the area (which is now the present day Fenit community on the mainland) was referred to as Fenit 'Without'.
Our Story
In late 2019 we returned from a long stint in London (with a young family) to live in Fenit, Co.Kerry. Shortly after settling into our new surroundings came the first Covid 19 lock down and with that the social and mental challenges that were experienced across the globe. It was at this point that we really became immersed in our surroundings and developed a heightened appreciation of the positive effects that our environment can bring. With this appreciation came a desire to invest our time into a project that showcased and promoted the community of Fenit, the heritage, projects, clubs, associations, events, businesses and challenges that are native to this quiet corner of Ireland. We felt that a social media content platform, Fenit Without, would be the best way for us to channel our efforts. Secondary to the content came a range of souvenir merchandise that we produced in order to keep the Fenit Without project buoyant and also to support local community causes such as our local RNLI Fenit Lifeboat station
Thanks for visiting,
Aisling & Karl